Press Release

During April 2013, football will unite to help raise awareness of Bowel Cancer. Players, managers and match officials from throughout professional football have joined forces with leading Bowel Cancer charities to stand up against the disease.

This year’s campaign, which is supported by The PFA, will feature a striking new poster of England internationals Jack Wilshere and Rachel Yankey MBE, along with Ipswich manager Mick McCarthy and Premier League referee Mark Halsey, to encourage people to know the symptoms.

Bowel Cancer is the second highest cause of cancer-related deaths with 44 people dying of the disease every day in the UK. It is most common in the over-60s but can affect men and women of all ages.

Stephanie Moore, wife of England’s World Cup-winning captain Bobby Moore who tragically died of Bowel Cancer aged just 51 in 1993, said: “Raising awareness through campaigns such as Know the Score is so important as Bowel Cancer is 90% treatable if caught early enough.”

The campaign is being supported by the Professional Footballers Association (PFA), the League Managers Association (LMA) and the Professional Game Match Officials Ltd (PGMOL), and will see their members wear the campaign’s ‘Star of Hope’ badge from April 13th to 20th as the season reaches an exciting climax.

Match officials throughout the Premier League and Football League, and players from selected Football League clubs, will also wear Know the Score t-shirts to warm up in prior to games.

The Bobby Moore Fund, the Adam Stansfield Foundation, Beating Bowel Cancer, Bowel Cancer UK, the Men’s Health Forum and Know the Score’s founding charity, the Mr Brightside Project, are working together throughout the Bowel Cancer Awareness Month of April, and the rest of the year.

In April 2012, they staged a successful national newspaper and poster campaign, and launched the Bowel Cancer badge, the Star of Hope, which was proudly worn by managers such as Brendan Rodgers and Roberto Martinez on national television.


Clarke Carlisle, PFA Chairman: “The PFA are fully behind the campaign and we feel through our members and the professional game we can have a big effect on raising awareness of the key symptoms.” Exeter striker Adam Stansfield died at the age of 31 from Bowel Cancer in 2010. Clarke added: “Adam’s story is a devastating one but, through education and raising the profile of the disease, we can improve awareness amongst the many people connected with the game.”

Mark Halsey – Premier League Referee

“I am proud to be involved in this year’s Know the Score Campaign, having recovered from Cancer myself I know all too well the importance of early diagnosis and treatment. Cancer can affect anyone and does not discriminate so if you develop any of the symptoms of Bowel Cancer please go and see your Doctor, no visit is a wasted visit.”

Mick McCarthy – Ipswich Town Manager

” I am pleased to support the Know the Score campaign which not only brings together the football world but also leading bowel cancer charities in their plight to raise awareness of the disease.”

Rachel Yankey MBE– Arsenal & England Ladies

“I am supporting the Know the Score campaign to raise awareness of bowel cancer and the early detection in both men and women. Bowel cancer is not age specific so its important for everyone to be aware of the symptoms.”

Jack Wilshere – Arsenal & England

“Bowel Cancer can affect anyone at any age so it’s really important everyone is aware of the symptoms as early as possible. I am supporting ‘Know the Score’ because it’s great that football is coming together to raise awareness of the disease during Bowel Cancer awareness month”


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About Bowel Cancer: The disease can affect men and women of all ages but is most common in the over-60s. So get to know your body and if you notice any of the following and they last longer than four to six weeks, make an appointment to see your GP:

  • Bleeding from the bottom without any obvious reason
  • A persistent change in bowel habit to looser or more frequent bowel movements
  • A lump in your tummy or tummy pain, especially if it is severe
  • Chances are it won’t be Cancer, but it’s better to play safe

As well as spotting it early, one way to help tackle Bowel Cancer is to do things that can reduce your risk of developing the disease. Taking these steps does not definitely mean you will develop Cancer, but it helps to stack the odds in your favour:

  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Be physically active
  • Cut down on alcohol
  • Be a non-smoker
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet that is high in fibre and low in red and processed meat

It is important to:

  • Take part in Bowel Cancer screening when invited
  • Take steps to reduce your risk of the disease
  • Be aware of changes in your body and report them to a doctor